
Cangzhou Shuangyou Auto Parts Co., LTD. : Mistakes in Car Maintenance (4)

Description:Myth 5: Too much oil. Oil is essential to a vehicle engine. When there is insufficient oil in the en....

Myth 5: Too much oil. Oil is essential to a vehicle engine. When there is insufficient oil in the engine oil sump, the friction between bearing and journal and other components will lead to poor lubrication due to insufficient oil, which will aggravate the wear degree of various parts of the engine.

However, if the oil is too much, the engine in the work of each component will produce a violent agitation phenomenon, which not only increased the internal power loss of the engine, but also will make more oil splashed on the cylinder wall, resulting in burning exhaust oil fault. Therefore, car owners should always pay attention to the engine oil warning lights on the dashboard, not too much oil nor too little.

This article by Cangzhou Shuangyou auto parts Co., LTD

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