
Cangzhou Shuangyou Auto Parts Co., LTD. : Chassis Maintenance of Cars (2)

Description:Driving system -- maintenance of tiresWhether the hub bearing tightness is appropriate, whether the ....

Driving system -- maintenance of tires

Whether the hub bearing tightness is appropriate, whether the front wheel positioning is correct, whether the tire pressure is normal, will seriously affect the sliding performance of the car. Hub bearing is too tight, will increase the wheel rotation friction; If it is too loose, the wheels are prone to skew or sway during driving, which increases the friction between the wheels and the ground and leads to a decline in the sliding performance of the car. It is recommended that car owners regularly go to the professional repair shop to check and adjust the hub tightness, so as to keep the wheel ring working in the best state.

This article by Cangzhou Shuangyou auto parts Co., LTD
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